Friday, January 23, 2015

Butterscotch pudding

I am not a huge pudding fan but part of the reason I am keeping this recipe archive is to challenge myself to try new things, so I made this recipe from Smitten Kitchen.

I used whole milk, light brown sugar instead of dark brown, and 3 teaspoons of vanilla instead of two (I overpoured). I followed the directions exactly, though my cooking of the butter and sugar did not really turn into a paste - I was scared of burning it as Deb warns. As I stirred in the milk, the pudding came together really well. There were no lumps and it was smooth. I poured it into six small cups to firm up in the fridge.

After dinner, I sampled one. A skin had formed on top of the pudding - which I hate! I should have covered each cup with parchment before putting in the fridge. The pudding was much more pale than Deb's version, which makes sense, considering I used light brown sugar. However, I was most surprised to find that a few scattered lumps had formed in the pudding. Not so much to make it inedible, but enough to interrupt the smoothness of the pudding.

The flavor was good, but definitely not "butterscotchy" enough. If I make this again I will definitely try it with dark brown sugar as directed.

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