Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Pecan-crusted oat flour genoise

A visit from an old friend is the perfect opportunity to test out a new dessert, so with Meg coming to spend a few days with us last weekend, I made this pecan-crusted genoise cake to have on hand for snacking. It was best still warm from the oven on Friday, but by the time the cake was finished on Tuesday it had lost some of it's luster. This cake was light, barely sweet and nutty, however, I felt it was lacking something. If I make this again I might use almond extract instead of vanilla. Maybe even use a bit of almond meal along with the oat flour. Someone in the comments section at the link suggested using cinnamon, cardamom and orange zest in the batter which also sounds good. It definitely needs a little spicing up to make it an extraordinary dessert.


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