Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Cookies

Depending on how I look at it, I am either lucky or unlucky to have an office mere steps away from a coffee shop that sells the most addictive chocolate chip cookies ever. Problem is, these cookies are about 5 or 6 inches in diameter - aka, huge - and I do not have enough willpower to save half for later after I start eating one. The other day, I was craving one badly, but I held back when I realized I had the ingredients at home to make my own cookies. I ended up making these peanut butter cookies from Smitten Kitchen  which were really similar to peanut butter blossoms, except the chips were mixed in to the batter instead of placing a Hershey kiss on top. Verdict: they are pretty good. I hold back from calling them stellar because I ended up using some natural peanut butter from Wegman's that was strangely flavorless. While I love natural peanut butter for PB&J's (or, directly from the jar on a spoon), in my opinion it does not work well in peanut butter cookies. Skippy or Jif is the way to go. So if I make these cookies again I will have to get some Skippy to get the peanut butter flavor I like. For some reason, peanut butter cookies are more "fall-ish" to me than anything pumpkin flavored!


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