Friday, November 13, 2015

Chocolate Banana Almond Meal Cake

Some of my most surprising baking projects come from taking stock of what's in my pantry and then Googling the ingredients to see if a recipe exists using them all. This past week that happened when I realized I had cocoa, bananas and almond meal that I wanted to use up. Lo and behold I found a cake using these ingredients. So I made it! My one tweak was to throw in a 1/4 cup of brown sugar - I only had a little brown sugar left and wanted to use that up, too. I like this recipe because there is no white sugar or flour in it, so it seems "healthy." Result: a pleasantly bitter, barely sweet chocolate cake with a faint banana taste to it. It was good. If I make this again I might completely eliminate the brown sugar, and maybe throw in 1/2 cup of chocolate chips to make it a little more decadent.

Thumbs up.

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